OB/GYN Residency

The devices are located in locked cabinet near the ice machine. ALL the nurses have keys to this cabinet. The devices are numbered, if you remove one fill out the log on the inside of the door.
1. Eligible patients:
All patients are technically eligible for placement, however since there are a number limited devices available we are currently limiting the placement to patients that are most at risk for short interval pregnancies.
2. Consents: Ideally, patients need to be counseled in the office PRIOR to presentation for delivery. Attached are the consent forms for you to review. These will be available at LCWH. They should be scanned in to EPIC once they are completed. Consents will be reviewed with the patient upon presentation to the hospital.
3. Ryan information sheets: These devices are provided by the Ryan program, the only information they ask for in return is a few demographic questions about the patients. Attached is the form patients will be asked to fill out in the office or upon presentation in labor. If patients ask this information is entered anonymously and not used for any purpose other than to track the device. The patient will not be contacted for any follow up information from the Ryan program.
4. Documentation: The resident placing the device will be in responsible for the documentation, specifically:
- procedure note in GE (on the delivery tab)
- placement of device lot number sticker onto procedure note (so it can be scanned into permanent onbase chart with delivery records)
- place the delivery note with the sticker in the front of the chart
- update/add to EPIC med list by entering historical placement with current date
- updating the Sunrise discharge instructions pertaining to the device placement and recommended follow-up and removal (Lani has a dot phrase for this)
- add the patient to the shared patient list in EPIC (you should all have access--PP LARC)
5. Follow up: Patients will be instructed to call their own Ob/Gyn if there is any problem with the IUD. (If the device falls out, there is no need to return it to us). However, we would appreciate to know about it just for our own learning purposes - just send an email to Meredith or Lani.