Pennsy ObGyn Bike gang
The interns + Jess and Cheston had an adventure up the Schuylkill for pizza after work. Missing from photo- Jinhee and Roxanne
Chief Breakfast
Celebrating our night chiefs from 2018 with bacon and clever gifts!
Journal Club at Dr. Mehta's!
Postpartum care, tacos, rose and key lime pie
OB Society Sesquicentennial Gala
We put on our fancy pants! And Tanise was there!! (This photo taken after Harish got us shushed by the next door table)
BroBGYN bro out
Yeah Jared. Protect that perineum.
Diego wins an award!
Congrats Dr. Aviles on winning the Penn Pearls teaching award! Your Pennsy family is so proud of you!
Skating at River Rink
Enjoying fireside time with our co-residents and family!
Down at the Shore with the whole residency program